District technical IGR in pixley ka seme district area

A District Technical Intergovernmental relations forum took place yesterday in the pixley ka seme district area in de aar and was chaired by Municipal Manager Mr I. Visser. The municipality provides in an official statement that the Intergrated Government Relations Forum serves the purpose to enhance and promote co-operative governance; ensure policy synergy between the two spheres of government on the horizontal and vertical levels; create a platform for the co-ordination of legislation and actions of provincial and local governments thus also creating a channel of communication between the government spheres. Further the municipality provides that the key discussions engaged included the District Development Model Status Update Report, the Human Rights Commission Report, and the District Consolidated State of LG Report. There was also given to various departments to give presentations including coghsta, department of education, the south african police service and gcis. 

Journalist: Mbali Masiza
Email: mbalimasiza198@gmail.com

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