Fishermen in Hondeklipbaai Face Livelihood Risks from Oil Mining

Hondeklipbaai residents are facing a dilemma as oil mining activities threaten their traditional fishing grounds. According to the Department of Planning, monitoring and evaluation, Offshore oil and gas exploration indicates that South Africa's coast and oceans could hold up to nine billion barrels of oil, equivalent to 40 years of oil use. Wendy Pekeur from Ubuntu Rural Women feels this is exacerbating the local Hondeklipbaai residents' struggles and pushing them to the brink of economic hardship. She elaborated with the following [OCEAN]. The rock lobster season in the Eastern Cape and the snoek season on the West Coast are being marred by regulatory impediments, preventing fishers from capitalizing on vital opportunities as some residents are in such dire circumstances that they get their money from cleaning and gutting fish for tourists. She goes on to say the delicate balance between economic development and environmental conservation must be obtained to preserve the rich heritage of small-scale fishers and ensure their continued survival.

Journalist: Tasha-Ree Kella

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