The South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers (SACCAWU) in Upington

The South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU) says they are organizing a strike to hand over a memorandum to the employer of Spar Kalahari shopping centre in Upington town on Friday, the 17th May 2024. This follows complains of employees about their working conditions. Workers said the following......... "Insert" (WORKERS INSERT)The organizer of SACCAWU in Upington Shadrack Segola says the employer must pay for the PPE and not deduct that money from the salary of the workers. Segola says the following..... "Insert" (SACCAWU INSERT)"Interview" (SACCAWU INTERVIEW) "Interview" (WORKERS INTERVIEW) 

Journalist: Tsosangkgotla Mararang

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