Young karate com0etitor takes home 3 medallions following tournament and move son to nationals

Paseka Links a learner at Ratang Thuto Secondary School in Boichoko in the Postmansburg area stood out as a champ from the Tsantsabane local municipal area, after he participated in the South African Kickboxing Association (SAKA) National Championship representing Northern Cape. SAKA is an affiliate to SASCOC body and conducted this event on the 25-28 April 2024 in Potchefstoom. The Tsantsabane Kyoukushin Karate school reports that his category was under 18 Seniors, where achieved 2nd position for the Point Figh category, 2nd position for the Continuous Fight category, and he also achieved 2nd position for the Kick Light category. The Karate school further states that Paseka has been selected to participate in the Continental championship where he will be representing South Africa on 8-9 December 2024. The Tsantsabane Kyoukushin Karate school says that this achievement is a great milestone and a first in the history of Postmasburg. The school also extended their appreciation to Phoenix Warriors Kathu under Sensei David Mac Vay for allowing them to be part of their family and to achieve more. The school also shared appreciation to local businesses who had supported them in previous years including Kolomela Mine.

Journalist: Mbali Masiza

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