Northern Cape Agricultural Academy launched today

 Northern Cape Premier Dr Zamani Saul, accompanied by MEC for Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform , Mase Manopole this morning launched the Northern Cape Agricultural Academy at the Rietrivier research station on the outskirts of Ritchie.  Bongani Silingile, Media Liaison Officer in the Office of the MEC Manopole says the key objectives of the Academy amongst others will be to offer short learning courses to emerging farmers, farmer based organizations, cooperatives and rural agriculture based SMMEs. Silingile further says that the Academy will also impart business and financial skills towards building profitable and productivity enhancing enterprise investments. Premier Saul outlined how the Northern Cape Agricultural Academy will provide empowering opportunities and unearth entrepreneurial potential to the Youth, Women and People with disability. The Academy is to collaborate with key stakeholders, role players, farmers and Sol Plaatje University and ultimately contribute towards the empowerment of the masses of our people says Silingile.

Journalist: Rene Julies

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