Police need assistance from community members

Police urged members of the community to assist them in the search for an 85 year old man Gabalemoge Petrus Leeuw. Police spokesperson Lieutenant colonel Sergio Kock says Leeuw was last seen on Saturday, the 18th of May 2023 at Phutanang, Galeshewe in Kimberley. Kock says Gabalemoge was wearing a black jeans, white t-shirt, brown jacket and black shoes when he went missing. He says anyone with information can police as there is no waiting period to report a person missing and the investigation continues. Kock says the following ......"Insert" (GABALEMOGE INSERT)"Interview" (GABALEMOGE INTERVIEW)

Journalist: Tsosangkgotla Mararang
Email: tsosan@radioriverside.co.za