Khanyisa Makoti, a Grade 11 student from Carlton Van Herden, staying in Pabllelo became an ambassodor for childrens right. Mid-September, Makoti represented the Northern Cape at the Nelson Mandela Childrens Foundation dialogue where they discussed issues on how to advance education for the youth where after session, they drafted a memorandum that will be handed over to the Minister of education and chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. In October she went to represent the Northern Cape at the Africans Children Pre-Summit where she says it was an honor for her to go speak for the girls in her province and share the challenges and strengths. She continues to say she felt proud to be their voice. Makoti explains the theme of the summit which is "Seen, Heard and Engaged" She elaborates:
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She then continues to explain on specific education challenges that she highlighted from the Northern Cape Region in the summit.
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She tapped into bullying, saying she feels there is not enough being done because the kids bullying others do get punished but there is nothing being done on the victims to help them get through it. In conclusion she explained what the most highlighted barrier on the summit was and why she says so:
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Journalist: Asathaba Grootboom