Despite significant growth in the higher education sector and increased access to tertiary education, graduate unemployment persists. Reports indicates that graduates face challenges in securing suitable employment after completing their studies, with the unemployment rate for graduates remaining alarmingly high. It is believed that factors contributing to this issue include limited work experience, skills mismatch with the labor market, and a sluggish economy that fails to create sufficient jobs. Lee-Ann Cloete, a Communications graduate, emphasizes that the mental health struggles associated with job hunting are not sufficiently addressed. Insert [L.Cloete]Furthermore, Cloete highlights the mental toll of the job search, where the inability to meet, basic needs can lead to depression. She says the frequent notifications of job application rejections add to this distress. Cloete advocates for actions to bridge the educational and employment gap, enabling graduates to enter the job market, contribute to the country's socio-economic development, and alleviate the mental health strain on graduates.