Disaster strikes Namakwa district again!

Reports states that during the weekend of July 7, 2024, the Namakwa District encountered severe weather conditions, characterized by intense winds and continuous rainfall. According to reports, as a result damage was suffered in the area due to these weather conditions which impacted several areas within the Hantam, Kamiesberg, Nama Khoi, and Khai Ma Local Municipalities. Following an analysis of the damage by the department of cooperative governance, human settlements, transport and liaison, spokesperson Babalwa Mzambo says damage was caused to residential structures, roads, informal housing, telecommunication lines, and electricity infrastructure. Mzambo says in Kamiesberg flooded roads and disrupted telecommunication services are experienced, while some families in the Hantam municipal area have faced significant property damage, necessitating their relocation to the Lenie Skippers Community Hall. She says, in Middelpos, power outages are persisting, and approximately 15 informal households in Calvinia have sustained damage. Mzambo says in Buffelsrivier in the Nama-Khoi municipal area, flooded roads are also experienced, prompting community members and road users to exercise caution and vigilance on the roads. She says affected families have received temporary shelter and provisions, with ongoing assessments conducted by the Provincial Disaster Management Committee to extend further aid as required.

Journalist: Mbali Masiza
Email: mbalimasiza198@gmail.com

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