Emthanjeni municipality water challeneges

The emthanjeni local municipality in Dea Aar has over the recent weeks reportedly experienced various challenges with their water infrastructure which has posed the challenge of access to water to residents in the area. The municipality yesterday reported in an official statement that as are sult of dready rains last week, they found themselves drenched in even more challenges that pressed the Municipality to dig deep to avoid the total availability of water and confirms that the diligent work and speedy reaction to the heavy rains by water teams has yielded some positive results as they can confirm the improvement of South Western Water Scheme and Riet Water Scheme. The municipality says they recorded some improvement on their two water reservoirs and have the fore been able to provide minimal water to residents through their taps. The municipality says more efforts to ensure water is running on the taps are currently explored while water teams and electricians are working around the clock to ensure water is coming to our households.

Journalist: Mbali Masiza
Email: mbalimasiza198@gmail.com

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