The deputy minister of social development Dr. Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu

As part of the social and behavioural change compendium the department of social development developed the rock leadership program which focuses on traditional leaders as partners in prevention of new HIV infections and other social ills. Social development official Ms. Lumka Oliphant says traditional leaders from 5 of the 14 villages from Batlaping Ba-Ga Mothibi gathered at the traditional council in Sekhing village in Taung to attend the first day of the 2-day workshop on the rock leadership program facilitated by the deputy minister of social development Dr. Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu yesterday, the 4th April 2024. Oliphant says the workshop’s aim was to sensitise, promote positive traditional norms and promote culture as vehicle to social cohesion and positive behaviour change. SBC programmes are aimed at promoting positive behavioural outcomes that are critical in altering the course of the HIV pandemic.

Journalist: Tsosangkgotla Mararang

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