MEC Vosloo visits Upington

The MEC responsible for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Abraham Vosloo met with the School Governing Bodies and educators of Keidebees  Primary School, Rosendal Intermediate School and Paballelo Primary School in Upington. During his visit to the respective schools Vosloo pledged his ongoing support to the schools to ensure that both learners and staff members flourish in their various roles. He congratulated the newly elected SGB members and said that these bodies have a great responsibility to ensure constant improvement of the school. Vosloo states that SGB’s must ensure that they lead with fairness and transparency. Furthermore, he said it would be a great shame for the school's performance to regress during the tenure of the newly elected SGB’s. According to Vosloo, schools will always remain as a beacon of hope to the hopeless.

Journalist: Rene Julies

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