The department of education in the Northern Cape says that as part of its election strategy, the department will arrange induction workshops for all newly elected governing bodies to help members familiarize them with their roles and responsibilities. The department made specific mention that School Governing Bodies operate within a Code of Conduct and the induction will therefore cover this area quite extensively. According to the department SGB’s are expected to fully grasp their roles in schools as it was noted by the department that SGBs are not elected to deal with the day to day running of the school as it is the responsibility of the School Management Team. According to the department, SGBs are responsible for policy issues and management of school finances, ensuring the safety of schools and other broader functions that result in the overall functionality of the school as an institution where quality teaching and learning takes priority. SGB elections in the ZF Mgcawu district were concluded by the end of term one.
Journalist: Rene Julies