NC premier donates R500 000 towards Thusa Moithuti Fund

 The Northern Cape Provincial Government, in collaboration with the Sol Plaatje University SRC students, successfully raised funds to make education accessible at the Thusa Moithuti Fundraising Golf Day, on Friday 15 March 2024.  The Premier of Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government, donated R500 000 towards the campaign aimed at easing financial burdens for academically and financially deserving students who lack the resources to register or finance their studies, enabling them to complete their qualifications. The SRC Thusa Moithuti Fund was launched in 2022 with the aim to promote the social justice agenda of the SRC as the project will assist students who do not have funding to register or the necessary support to propel them to succeed in their studies. According to the SRC the Thusa Moithuti Bursary Fundraising Golf Day was dedicated to that financial barriers do not hinder the academic journeys of students at the university.

Journalist: Rene Julies

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