MEC Vosloo to deliver his budget speech on 06 March 2024

The MEC responsible for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism in the Northern Cape, Abraham Vosloo, will table the provincial budget speech on 06 March 2024 in Hartswater. This department is primarily responsible for driving sustainable economic growth, creating jobs, and stimulating the economy. Vosloo’s budget speech will follow at the backdrop of the premier Zamani Saul’s provincial state of the province address. The latter alluded that the province has indicated significant growth in the number of people that are employed in the province and how provincial government continuously strive towards building a firm and successful economic climate in the province. Vosloo is expected to give an update on the developments of the Green Hydrogen Project amongst others. This budget speech is set to start at 10’ clock on Wednesday morning.

Journalist: Rene Julies

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