Rise Mzansi in the Northern Cape this morning partnered with Woman Waging War, a non-profit organization from Kimberley in the Frances Baard district and together embarked on a peaceful march to the AR Abass stadium as their starting point from 09:00 this morning. Shole Seipei, the Northern Cape communications officer of Rise Mzansi says that the aim of the march was in an effort to address the pressing issues of gender-based violence (GBV), abuse, inequality, and poverty that persist in society and therefore served as a powerful platform to raise awareness, advocate for change, and mobilize communities to address the root causes of Gender Based Violence, abuse, inequality, and poverty. Seipei adds that as an organization they remain committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders, government institutions, and civil society to develop and implement effective policies and initiatives that will eradicate GBVF, abuse, inequality, and poverty from our society and encourages all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to join initiatives of this nature and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding these critical issues.
Journalist: Mbali Masiza
Email: mbalimasiza198@gmail.com