The MEC for the department of cooperative governance human
settlements and traditional affairs Bentley Vass as well as the MEC for
education, Zolile Monakali and officials from the Khumba mine, paid a visit to
the Khatu primary school last week Friday 26 January 2024 as part of a
multi-faceted plan to conduct on -the ground inspections and interventions in
the area. The deputy principal at the Khatu primary school Carl Du-Plessis
at his turn provided feedback on the visit by these officials and the discussions
in which they had engaged in for the benefit of the children at the school........ INSERT (deputy principal 1)
The deputy principal also reflected on the efforts that they
as a school are currently engaging for the 2024 academic year which includes
the sports system currently being applied at the school, and the culture
activities including the theatre they have at the school for drama groups in an
effort to facilitate growth and development in the learners from foundation
phase till grade 7.
Journalist: Mbali Masiza