Learners in the ZF Mgcawu district who have
not done well in the matric examinations are encouraged to sign up for the
Matric Second Chance Programme to rewrite and improve their results. The Second
Chance Matric Programme, of the Department of Basic Education (DBE), provides
support to candidates and aims to help candidates to meet the requirements of
the National Senior Certificate and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate. The department
states that applications for the Second Chance Matric Support Programme
are now open and candidates in the district may register at the district office
or a circuit office. Candidates who
matriculated between 2008–2022 qualify to register for the NSC examination. Candidates
are encouraged to take this opportunity to register before 09 February 2024.
The department says that the Second Chance Matric Programme is free, and no candidate
should be charged.
Journalist: Rene Julies
Email: rckjulies@gmail.com