last leg of the Growth and Investment conferences hosted by the John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality at the end of last week

The Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul, joined by the Deputy Minister for Basic Education and also District Development Model (DDM) Champion, Dr. Reginah Mhaule as well as Members of the Executive Council attended the last leg of the Growth and Investment conferences hosted by the John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality at the end of last week under the theme ‘Investment through strategic partnerships’. During this investment conference, the premier in his address alluded that the  JTG is one of two growth points in the Province, the other being the Namakwa District. These two districts are set to change the economic landscape of the Province through key catalytic projects in the two Districts and entrepreneurs have been encouraged to take up opportunities that will soon be made available.

Journalist: Rene Julies

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