As a build up to the launch of the 16 days campaign, the MEC of the department of social development Nontobeko Vilakazi visited Gharies in the Namaqua District to officially open a new safe house for victims of abuse and violence. According to an official statement by the department of social development the MEC took the opportunity to address the community on the various social ills plaguing society including that of alcohol and substance abuse which lies at the core of many social challenges faced by communities. The department further provides that a call was made to communities to work with police and report abuse and also drug sale and use and have as a department commited to supporting the SAPS Safer Festive Season program and as Social Development will support families with providing psycho social support services. The department says that a number of towns will be visited as part of their Festive season programme that will provide services to older persons, victims of gender based violence , family preservation services, child protection as well as food provisioning and supplements.
Journalist: Mbali Masiza