The Namaqua district police welcomes the sentencing of a 39 year old woman Kelebogile Sesing after the fatal stabbing of her ex boyfriend. According to the police, the incident took place on the 5th of December 2021 in Onseepkans, when the accused and her 35 year old ex boyfriend Vincent Legalamitlwa were involved in an argument over a bag of clothes. Police spokesperson colonel Cherelle Ehlers says it is alleged that the accused fetched a knife from the kitchen and confronted the deceased. Ehlers says the accused who has a 5 month old infant was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment on the 10th November 2023 at Pofadder regional court. Ehlers says the following . . . "Insert" (KELEBOGILE)
Journalist: Tsosangkgotla Mararang