The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr. Zamani Saul convened an extended Premier’s Intergovernmental Forum yesterday in the Frances Board municipal area. According to an official statement by the provincial government the purpose of this meeting was to assess and strengthen the overall government integrated performance with particular emphasis on the performance of local government. As part of the activities in the meeting a presentation was made on the District Development Model (DDM) which highlighted the Model as an effective instrument for integrated service delivery while other presentations were also made on the Office of the Public Protectors report on the complaints mechanism at the municipalities to ensure that it respond properly to complaints. The Sol Plaatje municipality and Transnet at their turn reported on the challenges and urgent intervention at the Kamfers Dam area in Kimberley while the department of Water and Sanitation reported on the status of water services regulations and the Vaal Orange VMA progress on the transformation of irrigation Board into water user Association.
Journalist: Mbali Masiza