The De Aar police says they activated a 72 hour search plan after three (3) awaiting trial prisoners escaped from lawful custody, yesterday, 10 October 2023. According to a police statement, two of the escapees have been re-arrested and the other one is still on the run. Sergeant Molefi Shemane at the SAPS media center says, preliminary investigations revealed that three awaiting trial prisoners were detained at De Aar magistrates court holding cells, and escaped by bending the iron of the burgler door of the cell and climbed through the back side of the court. He says, the remaining suspect Elias Zavuta (picture attached) was arrested for kidnapping. The police appeals to the public not to approach the suspect as he is concidered to be dangerous but rather share information that may lead to his re-arrest with the police. An investigation regarding their escape is underway and the suspects will face an additional charge of escaping from lawful custody. The police says, all information received will be treated confidentially.
Journalist: Rodrick Titus