Cashier convicted for fraud

The Hangover Regional Court sentenced the 44 year old Nomava Luwalala to (8) years imprisonment, wholly suspended for (5) years on condition that the accused is not convicted of fraud, theft or attempted theft during the period of suspension. According to a statement by the hawks the sentence was handed down on Thursday, 28 September 2023. Luwalala made her first court appearance shortly after she was arrested on 01 December 2022. According to the statement, the accused pleaded guilty in terms of section 112 of Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 on all 20 counts of fraud as charged. The Municipality suffered a loss of R120 252, as a result of her action. Nomava was The accused was further directed to pay back an amount of R120 252 in instalment of R10 000 until the total amount is paid. The Provincial Head of Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation Major General Stephen Mabuela expressed his appreciation of the work done. “

Journalist: Rodrick Titus

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